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How Many Pairs of Socks Should the Average Person Own?

Except for those who own a sock manufacturing company and can have infinite socks, most people own an average of 8 to 12 pairs of socks.

Socks come in various styles and materials to accommodate different occasions and activities. It’s common for people to collect far more socks than they need. In contrast, some may have fewer than necessary. So, how many pairs of socks should an average person own?

The correct answer is simple; the total number of socks you need should depend on your regular usage.

How To Determine Your Sock Needs

Define your weekly sock usage to determine the required quantity. Identify the number of pairs of socks you’ll need in each style. Some considerations that should be made while arriving at that figure are listed below:

  • If you only do laundry once weekly, stock up on enough clean socks to last the entire week. Socks should be washed immediately after being taken off and not worn again.
  • If you work out regularly, you should get a second pair of socks—ideally athletic socks—to wear throughout your workouts. You’ll need two sets if you work out first thing in the morning and again before bed. That’s why it’s important to have a pair of workout socks (in addition to your regular work socks) for at least a week’s worth of your laundry schedule.
  • To be comfortable working from home, you should have a pair of socks designated for casual use. Therefore, you may get by with fewer dress/business socks but more of the lounging variety.
  • As opposed to dress or casual socks, people with diabetes should always wear diabetes care socks.

To show off your sense of style, you may want to get a matching pair of socks to go with each outfit. Budget heavily for these forward-thinking trends, as you will likely need multiple pairs of business and informal attire socks. Don’t forget to pick up a pair of coordinating socks when shopping for new clothes.

Our Recommendation

While we acknowledge that everyone has different sock demands, most people would benefit from carrying at least ten pairs of formal and sports socks each and at least six casual pairs to last a week.

Go Stylish

While we acknowledge that everyone has different sock demands, most people would benefit from carrying at least ten pairs of formal and sports socks each and at least six casual pairs to last a week.

To Wrap it up

The average lifespan of a pair of premium socks is one year, but low-quality, inexpensive bulk socks will wear out considerably faster. Going for higher-quality socks may be a bigger financial commitment at first. You may spend more initially, but you will save money long-term because you won’t have to replace them as often.

It’s worth it to splurge on some high-quality socks every once in a while so that you can cherish the comfort they bring for a long time!